A student's look into the world of cinema and all its elements.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

2012 in Review: The Top 5 in TV

 Did Breaking Bad make the cut??

So it begins! The year of 2012 is about to end and what an interesting year it has been all across the board. We start our epic trip down memory lane by counting down the best TV of the year. Now the usual disclaimer applies as it does with the movie lists, I do not do this for a living and thus have not seen all the “best” TV shows of the year (as my TV habit consists mostly of Dramas for example you will not unfortunately see Louie or Parks and Recreations on this list because I haven’t watched either to a great enough extent). So without further a due here is the best in TV for the year of 2012.

5. Girls

The only comedy to make this list, Girls was unlike any comedy I’ve seen on television as the show didn’t have us immediately like the characters right off the bat. Creator, writer, and actor Lena Dunham made an honest show about young, in many ways foolish, women that are on self destructing paths that are often quite hilarious. Sometimes dramatic, sometimes hard to watch, and always very funny Girls is a fantastic debut season of what hopefully becomes a fantastic comedy.

4. Boardwalk Empire

Sure it sometimes looses its way a little in the middle, but when Boardwalk Empire, for the second year in a row, manages to pull things together in a Wire like fashion at the end it’s an amazing thing to watch. For the second year in a row Boardwalk’s ending almost completely made the show as the final few episodes again managed to amaze and provide a purpose for a season that helped us reconnect to some of our characters. Oh and Richard is amazing!!! For the second year in a row I can’t wait to see where we go after this ending.

3. Luck

While it won’t last past this season what we got of David Milch and Michael Mann’s horse racing drama was absolutely amazing. It started a little confusing but by the time Luck got to the magic HBO fourth episode it was turning into something truly special. The story of Hoffman’s gangster, Nolte’s damaged horse trainer, and the rag tag group of gamblers hitting the big time presented viewers with some of the most heartfelt and intelligent shows of the year. The real winner of Luck though is the direction, especially throughout the fantastic horse racing scenes which were visceral and intense in ways that I had never seen before. While Luck will only last one season (3 horses died on set and HBO was forced to cancel it after just renewing it for a second season) it’s a one hit wonder that won’t be forgotten any time soon.

2. Mad Men

After a long break due to heated negotiations, Mad Men returned to television with huge expectations in toe. Fortunately the show was as good as ever reminding its audience that it’s still as intelligent, well written, and well acted shows on television. Mad Men continues to be one of the very best on Television and the amazing season 5 was no exception.

1. Breaking Bad

All hail the king. Despite the first half of AMC’s Breaking Bad’s final season not being quite as perfect as Season 4 (the series ran into some pacing issues) it still managed to be TV’s best hour. The most suspenseful, gripping and well acted show on television still gave us great moments such as Walt’s 50th birthday, the crazy train robbery, and the last shot of this year’s run which changes absolutely everything. Breaking Bad is coming to a close next year and if the show continues to be this amazing it’s going to be a fantastic ride.

1 comment:

  1. Girls Season 3 DVD Box Set is adding another guy to its cast, tapping Boardwalk Empire‘s Michael Zegen for a potentially recurring Girls Third Season DVD box setstint.HBO's girls series 3 dvd box set is getting a little extra oomph for its third season, in the form of Jon Hamm's gal.
    Girls Season 3 DVD box set was renewed by HBO on January 25, 2013, which will consist of 12 episodes. What will happen to major aspects of the main character were inspired by some of 26-year-old Dunham's real-life experiences.Watch Girls season 3 dvd box set now.
