A student's look into the world of cinema and all its elements.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Mad Men Rewatch 2013: Season 1 Ep. 4 “New Amsterdam” Meet Trudy!

 Pete trying to discuss improtant matters with his parents on Mad Men
Photo Credit: AMC TV

It’s rewatch time!! For the first time ever this summer we will be watching an old season of a television show over the course of several weeks. Installments will be posted Sundays and Wednesdays with the posts spoiling only the episode that is being talked about. This summer the rewatch is on the first season of Mathew Weiner’s 1960’s period piece Mad Men, one of the great first seasons of television.

Thoughts on Mad Men’s fourth episode “New Amsterdam” as soon as I become both a babysitter and a maid…

“I have ideas”

Before we get into the meat and potatoes of “New Amsterdam,” hey look it’s Trudy! Yes after falsely remembering when Trudy came into the fray not once but twice it finally happened in episode four (which is of course a Pete centric episode). Alison Brie gets to be on screen for the first time in the entire series (she will be back) and she’s very good here as Pete’s slightly spoiled wife. Trudy will become a great character down the line and Alison Brie’s regular appearances will become something of a treat as the series continues onwards.

On to the rest of episode which mostly consisted of a cry that Pete has problems too! A few of them none the less! Pete gets to be a troubled this week instead of that guy who gets shut down by Don (although that happens a bit here as well) and his troubles at work and at home are the main focus of the episode. Vincent Kartheiser gets to be super good here and allows us a look (and provides a little sympathy) into the life of the flawed Pete.

First are Pete’s problems at work. Pete has been established as a social climber and his desperate attempts to climb up the ladder to potentially become the new Don Draper hit a breaking point in this episode. Yes Pete actually tries to get his own pitch to a client at a bar. It works and his idea is well liked but boy does that not work for Don who had a good idea of his own that Pete set him up to fail on. This leads to Pete almost getting fired and only being saved by the fact that his family has a history of being rich. This hits Pete hard and nearly sends him to a depressive edge. Then in a move of brilliance of Roger (and by the writers as they move away from the storyline of Pete creeping up on Don) make Don Pete’s hero by telling Pete that Don was his savior at the company. The whole work idea really defines Pete as a character and allows the viewer to take a more inside look on a character who was still being felt out in the first three episodes.

The other way Pete is made more sympathetic is through his troubles in his family life. Pete has to deal with swallowing his pride as he has to take some money from Trudy’s parents to pay for the apartment they are trying to buy. We get to see for the first time that Pete’s pride in the workplace carries over into his outside life. Trudy’s parents are more than willing to help out, but he doesn’t just take the money easily. Pete wants to do things himself or with the help of the money that’s coming to him (in the case of him going to his very disapproving parents) and doesn’t like people tampering in his business (as one can guess a common theme as things move on). It works well and really gives us a since of who Pete is as a character.

The other part of the episode involves creepy Glen who is creepy. My goodness he is creepy and Mathew Weiner’s son does a good job at playing this lonely and a tad obsessive kid as he develops a crush on Betty as she’s babysitting him. The sequence is truly creepy as Glen not only watches Betty as she’s on the toilet but also wants locks of her hair and everything. Sure he’s nine but man (shivers) that sequence is just as difficult to watch as it was the first time as it’s just so creepy.

Ultimately the goal of the fourth hour of Mad Men is to establish Pete as a bigger presence on the Mad Men roster and it succeeds very well. The focus on Pete allows for a so far mostly detestable character to be developed into a fully rounded human being with real issues. Mad Men just keeps getting better as the cast gets defined and this is the best hour so far for the show. The best part is that it only goes up from here.

Some other musings:

  • Don mostly gets the week off other than to set himself in motion for a few developing plotlines. He gets a super awkward encounter with Rachel and he also gets a super triumphant victory in the mal placed battle with Pete.

  • We get introduced to the apartment set that will be used in many episodes of the future.

  • Not much on the office end other than Bethlehem steel. Again another laser focused character episode

  • Glen is really creepy!

Coming up on Sunday: It’s a great one “5G” the episode that hooked me on Mad Men my first time through! Can’t wait to revisit it!

That’s just me though. What did everyone else think?

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