A student's look into the world of cinema and all its elements.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

The Top 10 TV shows of 2013

Where will Breaking Bad end up on my top ten of 2013?

It’s about that time of year the end of TV season is here. This year like with the movies I’m going all in on reminiscing on this year in TV. We start with the fun side of things with my random less serious awards, then bridge the gap with the shows that just missed the top 10 cut (as there were a ton of great shows this year) before finishing with the cream of the crop, the top 10 television shows of 2013. Now it’s time for the best of the best, the top 10 TV shows of 2013. This was an incredibly tough list to make, and these shows represent the best in a year full of unbelievably great programs. This list, as always comes with the note that I didn’t see everything that this year had to offer, but I’m actually confident that I’ve seen enough this year to make this a very competent top 10. So without further a due here are my top 10 show of 2013:

10. Boardwalk Empire

My number 10 show, Boardwalk Empire completed its best season to date in 2013. The addition of Jeffery Wright’s brilliant Dr. Narcisse, the promotion of Chalky White to essentially the co-lead of the show, and the brilliant tragic final arc for Richard Harrow made this season more satisfying dramatically. Couple that with Boardwalk’s usual action, amazing cast, and novelistic storytelling approach and you have one of the best shows to air on TV in 2013.

9. Parks and Recreation

While it may be in its twilight years, Parks and Recreation just keeps trucking along as the best comedy on television. While this set of episodes may not have been as perfect as the last few it still provided us memorable moments like food sickness, Leslie loosing the council seat, and the London episode one of the best episodes of this show’s legendary run. The show is as sweet and funny as ever and if it gets cancelled after this season it will be a sad day for television.

8. Broadchurch
There were many long form mysteries on television in 2013 and in order to stand out one would have to bring something unique to the table. Broadchurch, BBC America’s (and Showcase’s in Canada) attempt at one brought emotion to the table, lots and lots of emotion. Throughout its eight episodes Broadchurch managed to turn a fairly standard murder mystery into an emotionally devastating ride through the psyche of a small town that is ill prepared for the consequences of a murder investigation. It provided one great moment after the next that forced many a tissue to be used.

7. Hannibal

The surprise of 2013, Hannibal proved that there was still room for a great serial killer drama on television. Mads Mikkelsen’s impeccable down to earth performance may just be the best interpretation of Dr. Lector to date (at least the most interesting) and Hugh Dancy’s Will Graham was just as great if not better. Then you add the beautiful cinematography (arguably the best on TV) and the intelligent writing on the part on Brian Fuller who managed to somehow not glorify the brutal murders it presented and you somehow have an adaptation of the over adapted Thomas Harris novels that not only manages to work, but to work brilliantly.

6. Masters of Sex

In 2013 cable television has fallen on the anti hero troap way too much. Then along comes the marvelous Showtime drama Masters of Sex, that while having a somewhat difficult character at its centre, manages to show that not all big cable dramas have to be about the bad guys. The period detail that never seemed to interfere, the witty writing, and the characters made Masters of Sex different and one of the best shows on Television. Hopefully it will be a spark in a different direction for television one that includes some more barrier breaking creativity that has defined the industry for the last decade.

5. Rectify

Sundance Channel has had a great year in the original series department in 2013. Rectify was one of its best efforts providing a slow but beautiful look into the head of a man being released from death row after new DNA evidence surfaced. The magic of Rectify is that on the surface one could call it a murder mystery but the show tried to be anything but, as it focused much more on Daniel’s movement through the world instead of whether he was innocent or not. Long dreamlike shots of Daniel staring at elements of a world that he feels alienated from. On surface level Rectify may have been slow moving murder mystery with no resolution but dig even an inch deeper and you’ll see something truly special.

4. Top of the Lake

The other great Sundance Channel series of 2013 Top of the Lake was a first class police mystery that explored all the elements of a small, creepy seaside town as it dealt with the chase for a very young pregnant teen. Sound familiar, well Top of the Lake was far from it. What made the miniseries special was the mood and atmosphere of ever frame, the writing and direction form Jane Campion that explored every inch of the land it explored, and the performance by Elizabeth Moss which was the best female performance of the year bar none. The show provided a lot of haunting and thought provoking images that will stick with me for a long period of time.

3. Orange is the New Black

While House of Cards and Arrested Development may end up getting more awards attention, Netflix’s best entry into the original series business was the female prison drama (and yes to me it’s a drama) Orange is the New Black. The show provided a massive cast of great characters that only deepened as the first season went on, some brilliant and tragically funny writing form Jenji Khoen, and some of the best acting of the year, all from virtually unknown actors. Orange is the New Black is the only must watch Netflix original so far, one with brilliance brimming from ear to ear.

2. Mad Men

I still don’t understand why awards shows and critics are beginning to starting to shy away from Mad Men. It’s still at the top of the television heap after seven years, deal with it! Mad Men’s 6th season was no dip in quality from what came before (in fact I liked it better than last season) even as Don Draper started to slip back down the road of cheating and alcoholism. The show pushed Don and crew into darker places than ever providing a darkly fascinating journey to an even more darkly fascinating end point. Mad Men continues to be the show I can write about the most as every shot and theme are so meticulously and lovingly put together. Mad Men continues to be as great of a show as ever which is why some of the awards and critical reception has made me feel NOT GREAT BOB!!

1. Breaking Bad

Was there ever a doubt? What else could the best show of 2013 be other than the best final stretch of episode a television drama has ever put together? Nothing that’s what! Breaking Bad, an already pantheon level show, marked its place in television history with a bang with its final season (and yes to me it’s a season) that had me farther on the edge of my seat than any television show has ever managed. Every tension ridden moment of the show’s final season built the perfect climax of Ozymandias and then moved through the beautiful epilogue that tied all the series themes and ideas into a great final two episodes. Breaking Bad’s final season was an instant classic and the best thing to air on television in 2013. This show will be missed dearly.

As I've said at the end of all my TV thoughts this year... That's just me though. What did everyone else think?

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