Summer movie awards 2009
Another summer has come and gone and that means it is time to look back at the summer season and pick our favourite films from the mega season. This summer has been telling in many aspects from what people have been watching (cough cough big dumb action films) to the doping movie sales. So let’s look back on the 2009 summer series with the summer movie awards. (Note I have not scene all of the movies in the summer library including District 9 and Inglorious Bastards so do not flame me if your movie is not on the list.)
Best special effects
Winner: Transformers ROTF
Sigh Transformers 2 sigh yes it was disappointing and overall sort of bad but what saved this film from pure terribleness are the special effects. Michal Bay can do that enough said.
Runner up: G.I. Joe Rise of Cobra
Best Sci-Fi Film
Star Trek
Summer’s best Sci-fi is far and away Star Trek. The reboot needed to be great for the thinning out franchise to connect with a wide audience again and it hit the ball out of the park. Great effects, a good story that could go any where in the sequels to come and wonderful performances. Star Trek proved to be better than the Star Wars 1 and 2.
Runner Up: Terminator Salvation
Best Action Film:
Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince
While not close to being as good as the book it is based on (witch none of these films are) it was definitely better than all other action films of the summer. It was also the best Harry Potter Movie to date with good character development and a great middle chunk makes it far and beyond the best action movie of the summer.
Runner Up: (sigh) G.I. Joe rise of Cobra
Most overlooked/underrated film
Terminator Salvation
While not a masterpiece or even a great film Terminator did not deserve the press it got. IT GOT CRAPED ON!!!!! It was actually a good film but unfortunately no one saw it and most of the audience didn’t like it!! What!
Runner up Public Enemies
Best reboot
Star Trek
What more could be said it was a great reboot to a dead franchise. Nuff said
Runner up Terminator salvation
Best animated film
No competition in this category. While not as good as last years Walle Up provided Pixar’s darkest movie ever with some really sad moments. Along with the sadness came the laughs though as UP provided also some really funny moments. Pixar is the best yet a gain and the second movie in two years to enter my top three computer animated movies of all time.
Worst film and most disappointing film
G force
Hey its guinea pigs what you expect. That’s what I was trying to tell myself well watching this film. But hey it’s Jerry Bruckheimer I have expectations!! Mind you... Anyways the movie sucks and boring and that is final.
Runner up Transformers ROTF
This is it the best of the best witch film takes top honour as best film of the summer
Nominees Public Enemies
Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince
Star Trek
And the winner is...
Public Enemies
While not being mentioned before on this list Public Enemies is definitely the best film of the summer. I could rave on and on about the camera work the acting and how superbly engaging this film is but I’m not I’m just going to say that this is the best film of the summer and I recommend it to anyone.