A student's look into the world of cinema and all its elements.

Monday, July 22, 2013

The Newsroom “Genoa Tip” Review: Everyone’s going in different directions!

 Will and Don discuss important things on The Newsroom

Some quick bullet point thoughts on “Genoa Tip” as soon as I talk about closets and showers…

  • Gah! I hate an episode where the entire motivation for most of the characters is the stupid romantic relationships. The whole Maggie, Don, Sloan, Jim, Lisa, and whoever else will decide to jump in based on need is absolutely terrible. The whole scene in which Sorkin mixes the romantic comedy with his misunderstanding of the internet when Sloan and Maggie try to take on a Sex and the City fan is absolutely the most awfully unbearable thing I’ve sat through in a while. I like Sloan too for the most part why is Sorkin doing this. I hate how they’ve set up everyone moving everywhere and I could probably go on for many more words talking about it. For now I’m going to leave it at that considering most of my complaints have been stated in the past.

  • That being said I did like the way Sorkin and crew handled both the Troy Davis and occupy Wall Street stories. Here are situations where people always get to say the right things but they are turned down and ultimately don’t get to report on what they are right about. It ultimately ends up culminating in a very good emotional center of the episode as Don has to watch Elliot report on Davis’ execution after he fought a losing fight to try and get awareness of the trial out.

  • Will’s speech to get Neil out of Jail was less successful. I mean it worked as a sort of Sorkinesque moment but as an peak to an episode less so. It’s better than usual though as it’s not all that overbearing or obnoxious as the show could be a lot of the time in its first season. I think it works to a certain extent, especially within the standards of the show, but it’s still a bit of a meddling moment.

But even if the show is improving on the way it actually handles real life events and the way it presents itself, at this point I still can’t get over how terrible a lot of the framing devices are throughout the show. The relationship fu that is taking place is ridiculously bad, bad to the point at times to be, even with the usually fantastic Sorkin dialogue, that it’s becoming even more unbearable than last year (or maybe it’s just that I don’t remember how bad it was last year). It was bad enough that I had thoughts of quitting on the show, something that wasn’t considered despite the frustrations of the show beforehand. I am still going to watch and write about this show because I’m interested in the news and the overarching framing device of the big screw up (which continues to be developed at the end of this episode). I just hope that this romantic comedy stuff (now I’m so scared about what Sorkin is doing with Sloan one of the characters that the show did right by in its first season) becomes less prominent and the screw up becomes the main focus. Not hopping too much though. Safe to say last week was frustrating at times but didn’t make me mad, this week there were parts that made me very angry. Again I sound like a skipping record so I’m going to stop there and return next week with another one of these shorter, hopefully not rant filled reviews.

That’s just me though. What did everyone else think?

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