A student's look into the world of cinema and all its elements.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

The End of the Year TV Awards 2013

It’s about that time of year the end of TV season is here! This year like with the movies I’m going all in on reminiscing on this year in TV. We start with the fun side of things with my random less serious awards, then bridge the gap with the shows that just missed the top 10 cut (as there were a ton of great shows this year) before finishing with the cream of the crop, the top 10 television shows of 2013. Of course as usual it’s time to start with some fun and thus we have my mini award show of sorts. I present to you the TV Awards of 2013:

Most Comical Revival or remake:

Winner: The Killing revived…. Again… Thanks Netflix?

Oh the Killing how the heck do you keep getting to come back? Why? Yes after being canceled twice the Killing has yet again been brought back to life this time through the magic of Netflix. Thanks Netflix now we get to enjoy 6 more episodes of red herrings, red herrings, and more red herrings. Sigh…

Runner up: Wait NBC is remaking Murder she Wrote?

Worst/Most Disappointing Finale:

Winner: The Newsroom

Oh The Newsroom I was just starting to like you maybe… How naïve I am as only a single episode after I had gotten decently on board with the season the show it reverted back to everything that I hated about it. All the stupid relationships and bad plotlines returned with a vengeance and zapped all the hope and faith I had acquired a few episodes earlier… Thanks Aaron Sorkin you’re the best!

Runner Up: The Killing

The Wait what?! Why?! Award:

Winner: How I met your Father

Why CBS why? Bad idea physics, take a show that’s been struggling creatively for a long stretch of time that many people have a particular distain for and announce a clearly money grubbing spin off that no one in their right mind wants. The result is How I met Your Father… Why?
Runner Up: The second return of the Killing

The this show should have ended a few seasons ago award:

Winner: Dexter

I’m just a lumberjack and I’m ok… Yup everyone was laughing at the terrible last season of Dexter this year a show that should have been a whole heck of a lot shorter and braver…
Runner Up: How I Met your Mother

Most Influential new player:
Winner: Netflix

 So Netflix joined the original series game and now they’re the big boys calling the shots. Releasing all episodes at once, and then being the first “online medium” to have a significant presence at the Emmys. They’ve also caused a bit of a revolution as now every major online player needs a series. Sadly for them no one really cares about them because Netflix is just doing it better.

Runner Up: Sundance Channel

Best Supporting Performance in a TV Show Female:

Winner: Ana Gunn (Breaking Bad)

There were a lot of great female supporting performances in 2013 but none was as horrifying or as captivating as that of Ana Gunn on this final stretch of Breaking Bad. The true winning moment of the performance comes when she portrays a horrified Skyler who collapses in the middle of the street after Walt takes Holly away from her. Truly haunting and amazing on every conceivable level.

Runner Up: Christina Hendricks (Mad Men)

Best Supporting Performance in a TV Show Male:

Winner: Dean Norris (Breaking Bad)

Dean Norris had always been great on Breaking Bad but he got to take it a step further this year as he became Walt’s main adversary in the final episodes. From his desperate hunt for Walt to his near perfect heroic death, Dean Norris player Hank the best he ever has and thus climbed the ladder and became the best actor in a supporting role this year.

Runner Up: Aaron Paul (Breaking Bad)

Best Leading Performance in a TV Show Female:

Winner: Elizabeth Moss (Top of the Lake)

This was a great year for women in TV but this category really came down to two Elizabeth Moss performances and Claire Danes. Probability would tell you to bet on Elizabeth Moss and in this case it would not be wrong. She may be great on Mad Men but she takes it to another level in Top of the Lake where she gets to play all angle of a detective desperate to find a lost pregnant girl before other potentially menacing people. It’s a great performance one filled with all kinds of subtlety and emotional depth.

Runner Up: Claire Danes (Homeland)

Best Leading Performance in a TV Show Male:

Winner: Brian Cranston

Is there really anything left to say about Cranston’s performance at this point? I mean really? It’s just so fantastic words cannot properly describe how great he has been over the course of this amazing show.

Runner Up: Jon Hamm (Mad Men)

Biggest TV Story of the Year:

Winner: Dan Harmon returns to “save” Community 

Yes ladies and gentlemen after probably the biggest TV story of last year being that Dan Harmon was fired from Community it feels almost like poetic justice that just one bad season of Community without him later that he is reinstated to help steer the ship of the show back into the realm of quality. What makes the story so interesting is that it’s pretty much the first of its kind and that we’ll get to see on January 2nd whether Dan Harmon can bring back the Community we knew and loved (which from really early critical response on Twitter seems to be the case).

Runner Up: Scott Gimple got to so far stay showrunner on the Walking Dead!!

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